April-May-June 2018

Called According to His Purpose

by Phil Enlow

His Habitation

by Ken Yonish

God Had a Plan

by Ken Yonish

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MCM Back Issues

Library of Articles

Midnight Cry Messenger

Editor's Letter

Dear Saints,

Greetings once again in the wonderful name of Jesus! Once again we have the great privilege of sharing with our brothers and sisters the wonderful things of God! How good and faithful He is in spite of our great need!

The lead article this time is an edited version of the transcript of a service preached last year at the Bible Tabernacle and then used recently on the TV broadcast. I am convicted afresh as I re-read it. May it touch many hearts.

We as human beings are born into a world system devoted to self-will and rebellion. That is our nature. It is a product of Satan’s self-delusion that he could successfully be like God and rule. But God has His own purposes, conceived before creation itself and nothing can change that. The gospel is all about rescuing us from the kingdom of darkness and bringing us into the kingdom of God’s dear Son (Colossians 1:13).

And beyond that it is about changing us from the inside out into the likeness of His Son that we might be part of a glorious purpose that goes on forever! Hallelujah!

Two shorter articles by Bro. Ken Yonish are also included, one a testimony. Be blessed.

Later this month we look forward to gathering in Lake City, Florida for our June Convention. May God honor us with His presence. Remember us in prayer.

Till next time may God’s rich blessings be yours.

Your brother in Christ,
Phil Enlow